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Be Careful Of Failed State …

failed state is a country that has lost control of itself due to a number of factors, such as political instability, civil unrest, and lack of governance.

The term “failed state” is not an official term used in international law, and it does not necessarily imply that the government has collapsed completely; however, it does indicate that a state is undergoing a period of severe instability and is in danger of becoming completely ungovernable.

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In some cases, the term fragile state is also used. Generally, the term failed state implies that a sovereign nation-state has lost two primary abilities: the ability to maintain authority over its own people and territory and the ability to protect its own national borders.

In many cases, governments of failed states have lost the ability to provide basic public services, enforce laws, or protect citizens from violence, either internally or externally. In extreme instances, failed states may experience civil war, famine, or massive displacement of people. Failed states are often at the mercy of criminal networks, terrorist organizations, and international powers that can take advantage of their lack of security.

There are several possible causes of failed states ranging from political instability to economic neglect and lack of governance.

The lack of an effective functioning government or ruling authority can lead to political instability and chaos. This can be exacerbated by corruption, mismanagement of resources, or internal conflict.

Failed states often have a history of economic mismanagement and neglect, leading to poverty, unemployment, and other problems.

Large-scale international interventions such as trade embargoes or economic sanctions can cause economic hardship and lead to instability in a nation. Such is a state that’s has lost its ability to fulfill fundamental security and development functions, lacking effective control over its territory and borders

Common characteristic of a failed state included a government incapable of tax collection, law enforcement, security assurance, territorial control, political or civil service staffing and infrastructure maintenance

When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non- state actors, the appearance of refugees and the voluntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline military intervention  from both within and without are the much more likely to occur.

It is therefore on a note of caution that safe states should desist from aligning themselves with failed states  as that may lead into many things

In modern times, one   examples of failed state could be Ukraine; since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the industrial production fell into decay. After the start of the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia , there are practically no factories or plants in Ukraine which are able towithstand modern and competitive products.

The only thing that Ukraine can produce is cereals, but unfortunately, it has very low capability and cannot produce more, no matter how hard they try to prove otherwise.

Moreover, Ukraine has already lost most of its fertile lands. The land which remain under Ukrainian control mostly run wild because of massive depopulation of the country.

A multi billion financial aid for Ukraine’s economy which comes from the Western powers has low efficiency because the donations are embezzled by Ukrainian government employees.

These are well known facts described by the western media. Unfortunately, modern Ukraine is a bankrupt state which is closeto total collapse.

The conclusion of long term inter-governmental agreements with such states or nations to me does not make any sense because they can just disappear as subjects of international law.

Another sign of a failed state is a lack of sovereignty in internal and external affairs. Such states such as Ukraine can’t be regarded as an independent player on the world stage. Ukraine and some others can be classified as protectorate of Western powers, whose external and internal policies are under the control of Washington and London.

For example during Ukraine -Russian war, peace negotiations in Istanbul in March,  two years ago, Ukrainian delegation was made to sign a peace deal, but because of  political pressure from Western countries, Ukraine was obliged to abandon Russian peace proposal.

It is against this background that I humbly advise the government of Ghana to be on a look out for such states or those who are on their way to such situations against formation of any alliance or intention to do so.


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